Ariane Thomas-Lutchmedial Traumatic Brain Injury Foundation

Improving the lives of those with Traumatic Brain Injuries!

12 years ago our family was blessed with the most beautiful child one can ever ask for – Ariane Thomas-Lutchmedial. From the moment Ariane came into this world we could see that you were destined for greatness, full of courage, and strength. You proved to us that loving our children can heal every wound, cure every pain, and defy scientific rationale. 12 years ago I had been accepted into medical school and was about to start my new life long dream, however, you came along and I had to choose between taking care of an angel or school. I chose you and started my career in medicine at home, followed by Karen, and the numerous help from the nurses, doctors, the extended family and all those who constantly supported us in providing you with the best care imaginable.
Today, We have all graduated from the Ariane Medical School as we spent 12 learning what it takes to make you happy and healthy. You never hesitated to tell us if we were wrong or if it was just a hug you wanted to feel better or medicine. You taught us that it wasn’t only medicine that heals, that it was love. Ari, 12 years ago, I remember a team of the best doctors at a top medical institution asking us if we can handle a child in your condition, that we may live to regret our decision, my dear Ari, they made the biggest mistake because they did not know that you had a loving family, who had very supportive friends and family. That’s when mommy and I decided to move you out of that institution. Ari, they did not hear about Mommy and daddy - Carlstien & Karen. We were not willing to little others decide our angels fate, only the almighty father in Heaven and you. The rest is history, as you have enjoyed some memorable times at the beaches of Cancun - Mexico, Maracas - Trinidad , and numerous other places.
Ariane, I am proud of you for breaking all the rules, by proving too many in the scientific community wrong. You constantly denied others the right to decide what was best for you. We saw many times when others said you won’t make it, that we should let you go, you came back stronger than ever. We remember you cries, many times it wasn’t because of pain, it was because you wanted to be hugged, kissed, loved, as you gently fell back in our arms and begin sleeping with a sense of accomplishment. Ari, you were determined to spend time with your family and the many extended family you gained over your brief life time. Karen and I cannot help remembering every time we took you to the mall, the beach, on vacation, and others walking up to us saying “she look like an angel.” That’s who you are – an angel . Your silent inspiration will be with us forever. By the way Ari, we know your little secret, that you had a lot of fun when you slept as you played with the angels and Eden, CJ, and Sydney in your sleep. You could not hide those big smiles and dimpled cheeks we saw on your face as you did so, Ari, I think you held out on us at times as you seem to have so much fun.
Karen and I know that you want to thank all the nurses, doctors, United Cerebral Palsy, home care, family and friends who stood by your side for the past 12 years taking care of you. Their dedication and support has made our journey much easier and less painful. Their love and care for you was always evident as remarks would always be made by medical staff as to how well kept you were. We will never forget the many individuals who rallied around us and supported us in your care. Words cannot express the gratitude and appreciation we will always feel towards our extended family. Thank you to our children - Eden, Sydney and Carlstien, Jr. for being supportive and concerned about you each and every day.
Ariane, there is nothing we can compare to what you have been through. The strength, resiliency and will power to survive will constantly guide us forever and everyone you inspired. You are a true hero in our family who has taught us humility, compassion and made our family unit stronger. We are proud of you for deciding on you terms when you should move on. Sunday October 3, 2010 you chose to do it your way, as you painlessly, quietly and peacefully passed on. Ari we all love you.

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A Foundation to support children with Traumatic Brain Injury through activism, fund raising, and resource allocation to the families.

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